Well, I can tell I'm new at this. When I went to write my "very first post" title, the computer started translating what I was writing into Hindi! Yeah, I fixed that. I wonder if what popped out was anything remotely close to "very first post" in Hindi or just some
On to real blogging . . . I'm going to start by apologizing because my blog will not have a lot of pictures. I'll try to get some on here, but as I only have me cell phone camera for digital shots, they may be few and far between. I would like to get some pictures of the house up for our relatives back West (especially the colossal pile of leaves that will be sucked up by the fabled
vacuum truck!)
On Thursday we will be celebrating Thanksgiving with some of our new church family here in Virginia, and I am supposed to bring a cherry pie and a corn casserole (courtesy of Dan's mom Kathy). I'm currently debating as to whether to do "easy",
ie store-bought pie crust and filling, or "hard",
ie homemade pie crust and filling (which may or may not prove to be
disastrous). I had thought I would need to buy a rolling pin to make the crust, but lo and behold, I found one in the drawer. I knew we didn't get one as a wedding present, but apparently it was one of the kitchen curios accumulated by Dan and his college roommates. As the last in a series of roommates to graduate, Dan unintentionally collected an odd
assortment of strange kitchen objects, including some of the following: a porcelain vase-like object for pouring sake, numerous lids for pots that have long since been
separated from their mates, some strange shots glasses with towns of Germany on them (Dan's never been to Germany), more spatulas than I can use in my lifetime, the said rolling pin, and
bundt pan. I sort of get the sake and the shot glasses (it was college
after all) but can anyone please explain to me why college guys would ever need a rolling pin or a
bundt pan? Anyone??